Saturday, October 29, 2005

Trick or treat

So here's my Halloween costume. I've yet to decide if I will attempt an Antonio Banderas accent for the evening. (But anyone who's familiar with my accents knows that's a gamble. It sounds great in my head, but usually comes out as totally unplaceable -- I could be Scottish, Australian, British, Indian, or all of the above and more!)

I think this may be Zorro's senior high school portrait:

On a totally unrelated note, don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight for the end of daylight-saving time. And while you're at it, replace the batteries in those smoke detectors.*

*This public service announcement has been brought to you by the letter Z.


Jessica said...

They have daylight savings here (Germany), but not, as a rule, Halloween or smoke detectors.

The Halloween thing is probably because we have to make a huge deal out of Reformation Day instead, and the smoke detector thing? I hope it's because stone and brick have a lesser chance of catching on fire. At least I hope that's the explanation.

Christa said...

oh bc -- those pictures are the cutest things i've ever seen. my heart is swollen in duluth. i wish that you had worn that on a daily basis when you lived here. the masked man thing suits you.

Anonymous said...

Briguy - You look down right sexy in that outfit! Way better than a copy editor! Seriously - I LOVE the masked man look! (By the way, taking a page from the copy editor costume, I went to my halloween party last night as a stressed out law student - complete with falling asleep at 11:45...)

Anonymous said...

Okay - previous comment is not to say that you don't look sexy everyday, but the mask does something for me!

BriGuy said...

So apparently all I've needed to do all these years to successfully pick up women was wear a mask?!?

Wait ... what are you all saying?

Dapper Dad said...

I didn't know you were gay.

BriGuy said...

I didn't know you were 12...

Anonymous said...

Roofies work just as well as a mask.

Anonymous said...

I love/am scared by that second picture.

mightybob said...

I have the same problem with faking accents. Maybe you'd be more believable with the Banderas attempt if you didn't have shamrocks on your hat (at least that's what it looks like from here) :P