Monday, January 29, 2007

Cool clip: Drone

This week's cool clip is just audio. The San Francisco Chronicle has started a podcast of some of its more ... interesting calls. Those of you who work in the newspaper business will love this. Those of you who don't -- yes, this guy is fairly typical as far as the types of calls and e-mails a newspaper often gets. We bring out the crazies.

Enjoy the clip here.

Speaking of cool things, this guy's endeavor to create ice climbing walls in Iowa is pretty freakin' awesome.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Operators are standing by

So I'll be taking part in the Polar Plunge next weekend. I'll be leaping into cold water, probably dressed as Superman, although that depends on me having enough time to pull together a costume between now and then.

So why am I mentioning this, other than so you can look forward to the photos? Well, part of doing the Plunge is raising money for Special Olympics. I apologize for asking about this so late, but if anyone is interested in donating to the cause, I'm accepting donations until Saturday. (So you'll have to get them in the mail pretty quickly.) Checks should be made out to Special Olympics Virginia; if you don't know my mailing address, just shoot me an e-mail. Any amount would be appreciated.

Sorry to bug you all, and especially to do it on such short notice, but thanks for listening. And even if you don't donate, I'll gladly take your well wishes and positive thoughts that it'll be a warm day.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A cool clip that's hot, hot, hot!

(Sorry this is late. I was out of town until late Sunday and Blogger was having issues yesterday.)

Much like the Hoff's music video, this is so awful it's awesome... (Appalachian State is in North Carolina in case this totally sells you on going there.)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Beware bunnies and dragons

Two things that have recently amused me ...

One I saw on a bumper sticker the other day:
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

(So true. And so wise.)

The other is this picture of a gigantor bunny:

How totally awesome is he?!?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Cool clip: I have a dreamcicle!

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A house, not yet a home

Front of house
Originally uploaded by commonbriguy.
Sorry this has taken awhile -- it's been a busy past week, partly because of housing-related things, partly because of car troubles (but that's a blog post for another time). At any rate, you can go here to see a quick virtual tour of my new townhouse. I took the pictures the first time we looked at it and just did it quickly, so they're kind of dark and are really only a partial look at the place, but it'll give you an idea. I'll take better pictures later once I move in.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Cool clip: Let's go to the mall!

"How I Met Your Mother" is back tonight after it's holiday hiatus. In the show's honor, let's relive one of the funniest things from the first half of the season -- the music video showing Robin's brief tenure as a Canadian pop star.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My precious

Because I started off my tale of house hunting with a "Lord of the Rings" theme, I had planned on continuing that when I found a house that I liked and talking about how it was mine ... my precious ... (etc., etc.) while I decided on an offer and waited for a response.

I'm sure it would have been hi-larious.

However ... I've skipped past that part and am now a future homeowner. I'll explain more when I've got time, but I found a place I really liked on Thursday, I made an offer today and they accepted it earlier tonight. We close the deal next month, and it's a totally sweet place.

I'm gonna have my very own townhouse!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Warm fuzzies

If you want to read a really nice, uplifting story about someone who makes you want to be a better human being, check out this article.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

So you say you want a reso-lu-tio-on, oh yeah?

OK, here goes. My goals for 2007:

1) Buy a house.
This is sort of a gimme since I'm already looking and all. But I need to close the deal.

2) Learn to play the guitar.
Yes, this is a holdover from last year. But this year, I'm gonna do it. Really.

3) Get outside my comfort zone more.
I'm going to explore the area more -- try new restaurants and new shops and do some uncharacteristic things, such as the Polar Plunge, which I'm forming a team for in February. Maybe do some traveling to new places.

4) Be better organized; procrastinate less.
I'm already a pretty well-organized person. But I have decided that between my workload and things in my personal life, I've got to step it up a notch. Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today. Try to stay on top of everything; file papers immediately; etc. Be better about e-mailing also falls under this category. And create a budget and a daily schedule that includes habits I want to form -- flossing, the gym, reading a good book, etc. -- and stick to it.

5) Get back in the habit of going to the gym regularly.
Another holdover from last year. The goal -- three to five times a week, preferably five on a Sunday through Thursday schedule, leaving Fridays open to see movies before work and Saturdays to relax. Also, I need to try the Y's tai chi class.

6) Be healthier in general.

Try to eat better, cook more and be more active. (While still getting in some quality video game time, mind you.) Part of what will help will be to finally get my bike fixed so I can ride it.

7) Get my Christmas cards for 2006 out.
And maybe I should resolve to get my 2007 cards out before Christmas this year.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Cool clip: New Year's Edition

Happy New Year! (This is in London)