Wednesday, July 26, 2006


With my brother moving across the country, he needed to get rid of some things. I was kind enough to take his much larger (42" or so) television and surround-sound system off his hands. It's a tough burden, but what are siblings for?
So now I've got a sweet hookup.

Coming soon: There can be only one -- I go all Highlander for a wedding. To find out if I'm wearing anything underneath that kilt, stay tuned.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hands-on diplomacy?

Can someone explain to me what's going on with world leaders and their inappropriate signs of affection lately? First Putin's kissing some boy on the stomach and now Bush is giving hit-and-run massages to the German chancellor?!?
It's getting creepy.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I forgot to mention ...

... if you want a good book to read sometime soon, check out Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything." It's an excellent look at, well, just about everything -- the creation of the universe, the formation of our planet, the evolution of man and how we've affected the planet since we've been here. It's well worth reading.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Well, things look like they might be returning to a semblance of normal at work, and thus my life looks to be settling back down a bit, which I look forward to. What have I been up to the past couple of weeks or so?

I spent July Fourth at the barbecue and party of a couple of friends from 1 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. Good times.

I went up to D.C. to see "Spam-A-Lot" with my brother. I highly recommend the show if you have a chance to see it. Almost all of the funniest parts of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" with the boring parts taken out and more funny stuff thrown in. It was great.

I've seen a couple of movies -- "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," which feels about as long as its title (although I wasn't a huge fan of the first one, in the movie's defense), and "The Devil Wears Prada," which was quite funny. And I really like Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway (so cute).

Speaking of cute/hot, Kristen Bell is on the cover of the current issue of "Shape" magazine. Wowsers. Reuben told me about it and I finally saw it today at the grocery store. Wowsers.

I had to meet a job candidate I was interviewing on Monday. We were supposed to meet at 9 a.m. I woke up to the phone at 9:20. For some reason, my alarm never went off. I have no idea why, but was not a good start to the day. Although she was very gracious and we've since hired her, so it must not have put her off too much.

And just now I ran spellcheck on this blog post and accidentally kept hitting "replace," thus changing 1 p.m. to 1 pooh and 3:30 a.m. to 3:30 ahoy. Apparently, I also went to DEWY to see "Spam-A-Lot." And Kristen Bell's hotness now makes me exclaim "Washers."

Clearly, it's time to go to bed.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hey, now, you're an All-Star

Sorry for the lack of posting lately; the next few weeks will be pretty busy, but I'll try to post some if I can. In the meantime, in honor of this week's All-Star Game, check out this very cool sports clip.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

100 things about me: 41-50

41) If I find a cockroach in my apartment (hey, it happens sometimes when you live on the ground floor in warmer climates), I catch it in a small shoebox and throw it out behind my apartment building. I don't do this out of kindness or a desire to not kill cockroaches. I do it because, if I smash them, they make a freakin' awful mess.

42) I really like animal crackers. A lot.

43) Also, chocolate-covered raisins.

44) And chocolate-covered cherries, although you can't eat quite as many of those without making yourself sick.

45) I like the theory of vegetarianism, but could never do it myself. Mostly because I don't like most vegetables and would, thus, starve to death.

46) I'm a pretty fastidious recycler.

47) Although I will often go out of my way to do things that are environmentally sound, if given the choice between an air dryer and paper towels in a restroom, I will almost always choose paper towels. I don't really know why.

48) It's become a reflex for me to say "bless you" when someone sneezes.

49) Having the right showerhead is really important. Too much or too little water pressure and it can really throw your whole shower experience off, and that's just a bad way to start the day.

50) My recent escapades are not the first time I have ripped open my shirt acting like Superman. When I was in high school, I went to the national Student Congress and was giving a speech on adoption. It started -- in a very serious tone -- with something along the lines of: "This bill is very important to me because, you see, I was adopted. Luckily, I was raised by an incredibly loving couple who found me ... after my home planet of Krypton exploded." Then I ripped open my shirt and pronounced myself Super Senator, or some such thing. From that point on, everyone knew me, which was, as G.I. Joe says, half the battle. Still didn't get into the final round, though.