Saturday, September 15, 2007

All good things ...

Well, I think it will come as a surprise to all of ZERO people that this will be my last blog post.

I know it sounds cliche, but it's not you, it's me. Really, it is.

I think we both know it's time to move on. You'll always be in love with the blogger I could be if I'd just write more often (or at all). I'll always feel inadequate as a blogger, especially when I know you read so many other funnier, more frequent bloggers.

You can still keep up with my exploits somewhat on my Flickr site, where I try to post pictures periodically. And I still write for Gig Matrix, which has a sleek new look and a feature called The High Five that we update weekly. So you should definitely check that out. (I even try to keep my profile there updated with what I've been watching and playing if that interests you, though I tend to doubt that it does.)

And there's always e-mail. I know, it seems so turn of the century, but I'll try to be better about using it to keep in touch. If you want my e-mail but don't have it, let me know and I'll get it to you.

I guess that's it. I thought I'd be more sentimental, but I think it's been so long since I've invested any time in this blog, saying goodbye is really just a formality. I hope you'll check out the other blogs and sites that I have links to. There's some good stuff there.

It's been fun, though. Seriously. Thanks to everyone who read the site, especially the people who were strangers but became friends.

I wish you all the best.
