Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Maybe they should have collected coins

This weekend saw a rash of deaths by weird objects. A Wisconsin woman was killed by a sword, and a Virginia woman was killed by a crossbow. Both were weapons that they kept around the house. Which seems like a good reason not to keep such things lying about the house.

What's brewing in the world:
Confirmation hearings began for Sammy "The Gavel" Alito, the nominee for the Supreme Court. Sit back, grab some peanuts and popcorn, and watch the grandstanding and fireworks begin!

The Dow hit above 11,000 today for the first time since before Sept. 11. Woohoo! I'm excited! I don't know why, but I am!

Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe separated, which seemed sad to several of my co-workers, although I spent most of my time trying to figure who Chad Lowe was.

Vice President Dick Cheney went to the hospital briefly, but he was back to work by the afternoon after they replaced the plutonium core that powers him.


hlw said...

love the news updates - always interesting.

Autumn said...

Do you have a 401(k)? That would probably give you a reason to be excited. :-)

nanners said...

i'm sad about hilary swank and chad lowe. they seemed to be one of the few hollywood couples that hadn't been destroyed by on-set romances or fame.

Christa said...

chad lowe is half of the most romantic scene ever on 90s television. the show: life goes on; the moment: lowe is dying of AIDS and he and the main female character are at a cemetery. the song: i'm on your side by the divynals. i taped it. i wept. i wept some more. man that show was about more than just corky.

BriGuy said...

I should add about the Dow thing: It's not that I don't know that stocks going up is good. I'm happy about that. But that it passed 11,000 is really sort of a random benchmark. It's not like we all get a free monkey servant when the Dow hits a certain number.

nanners said...

a free monkey servant sounds nice.