Friday, January 20, 2006

Glorious road

I saw "Glory Road" last week, but am just now getting around to writing about it. Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's a guy thing, but I think it's hard to go wrong with a sports movie -- especially one based on an actual underdog story. "Glory Road" doesn't do anything particularly great or novel -- it's your standard sports story where team/person doesn't have a shot at winning but through perseverance and hard work overcomes a number of obstacles to win the big game/championship and everyone learns a little something and becomes a better person in the process.

But you know what? When Texas Western won the big game at the end, it still totally rocked. (Sorry to ruin the end if you're not familiar with how sports movies work and with the actual story of one of the most important basketball games in NCAA history.)

I'm just saying ... sports movies are a good time.

And in case you were interested, the main meal this week at Chez Briguy: pulled pork with root beer sauce. A little odd? Perhaps. Tasty? Most definitely.


Anonymous said...

"[S]ports movies are a good time."

I disagree. Respectfully.

BriGuy said...

OK, golf doesn't count. Just like "Bring It On" doesn't count as a sports movie.

nanners said...

cheerleading and dance are sports. you compete. you win trophies. you work together as a team. you use muscles most basketball players don't even know they have. bring it on.

Dapper Dad said...

Yeah, and covers of "Shout" always leave me dancing, but that doesn't mean I want to see our country waste more money creating another one.

Anonymous said...

Brian... Golf movies count. Reuben... not all golf movies suck (see entries: Caddyshack and The Legend of Bagger Vance). I will also support Bring It On as a sports movie (I figure it's basically just team gymnastics with random interludes to yell at the crowd).

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying golf movies suck. I'm saying sports movies -- golf, basketball, cheerleading, jai-alai -- are dumb.

That's all I'm saying.

BriGuy said...

Oh. In that case ... you're just wrong.

Especially about jai-alai movies.