Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Attn: Rachel McAdams

Dear Ms. McAdams,

Congratulations! This letter is to notify you that you are now my No. 1 celebrity crush. Much consideration went into this choice, and you should be very proud.

As you may know, the two top spots of this list were held for many years by Natalie Portman and Jennifer Garner. But no more. You have topped them both. The past year's movies have shown your range as an actress (not to mention that you are much more attractive as a brunette than a blond) -- you were charming in "Wedding Crashers," compelling in "Red Eye," and funny and moving in "The Family Stone." My friend Dave says you play Ultimate. I don't know how he knows that (sorry if he's stalking you), but if it's true, I think that's really cool. I've played some Ultimate in my time and I like doing active things, too. You also seem really nice and down to Earth, and I'm a big proponent of that.

I'd tell you about my better qualities in order to impress you, but we both know that you can't really trust the Internet, so there'd be no reason to believe me anyhow. But I'd like to think that if ever our paths would cross, we'd get along really well. (Although you should know that profile picture isn't what I normally look like. Unless you're into that sort of thing.)

I'll also tell you that my friend Southern Belle wants us to hook up so then the two of you can be best friends. She's really nice, although I apologize if she, too, has been stalking you in any way.

Anyhow, I don't follow celebrity gossip too closely, but I hear that you're dating Ryan Gosling. I'm assuming he's a good guy or else you wouldn't be dating him. So just pass along this message from me to him:
Ryan, you better be good to her. Because if you screw up (or screw around), I'll be waiting to step in. Oh yes, I'll be waiting...

Anyhow, congratulations once again, Ms. McAdams. May you continue to star in movies I enjoy and have much success in your professional life and much joy in your personal life. Enjoy this honor; you deserve it.



BriGuy said...

Your turn, gang:
Who are your top celebrity crushes?

Anonymous said...

Matthew McConaughey

Jessica said...

Ewan McGregor. It's the accent.

Kristin said...

I came here via Dave's blog and just had to share: did you know that January is National Stalker Month? You're so now!

Abba said...

Alan Rickman. (Swoon.)

BriGuy said...

We have a month for stalkers? How disturbing...

nanners said...

Brunettes are always more attractive than blondes, especially fake blondes. ;-)

crush: it's moved from Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, who now disgust me, to Klaus von Mayerling. Or Josh Hartnett.

mightybob said...

Ewan McGregor and Mel Gibson.

Anonymous said...


If you'd seen Klausie's butterfly tatoo from the angle I have, he'd no longer be your celebrity crush.


Autumn said...

Bono. He sings and he's socially conscious.