Sunday, June 25, 2006

This may be a job for Superman

First of all, you'll notice the new clip -- a trailer for "Superman Returns." It opens Wednesday. I already have my tickets to see it on IMAX. I'll write a review over on Gig Matrix as soon as I can.

Things here have been busy lately. Without getting into too much detail, I'm now temporarily managing a very understaffed and overworked copy desk, and things are going to get much worse over the next month or two before they get better. I'm also doing hiring, which is an interesting first for me.

And this morning, we're getting another sewage backup at my apartment. Goody. So while I had put off looking into buying a house until things at work settle down, I'm freaking tired of this crap and may have to look sooner than I had thought. Because I have so much extra time to devote to that. Grrr...

On the bright side, I went to an Elvis Festival and the beach yesterday. However, I've discovered that you can see only so many people dressed as Elvis before it just becomes disturbing.


Anonymous said...

Just get a Realtor. You, as the buyer, don't have to pay them and they winnow houses down to what you say you're looking for so you're not looking at everything. Although X-ray vision will still come in handy when doing walk-throughs.

Jessica said...

So... how many people dressed as Elvis *can* one see before it becomes disturbing?

BriGuy said...

Jessica: 2
(Three if one of them is a cute kid dressed as Elvis)

That's just for me, at least. But once you get into the dozens, I think it becomes pretty indisputable that you've passed that point.

mightybob said...

so... did you dress up like Elvis? (i mean heck, you dressed up like a pirate...)

Anonymous said...

You're tired of this crap? Nice unintentional pun or awful intentional pun. And there is something disturbing about legions of Elvi... though I do feel like using them as part of a military strategy would really freak out opposing countries.