Friday, June 02, 2006

A few days away

I had a few days off of work, so I decided to get out of town and go visit some friends up in D.C., which was a most excellent time. A few discussion threads and observations from my time up there:

The metro's recorded voice says, rather emphatically, "Step back from the doors." The way it says this makes me think that what it means is: "Step back, bee-yotch. You did NOT just crowd the doors." Public transportation really should have more of an attitude.

I had a lengthy conversation with Dave and Reuben about MySpace, which was sparked by Christa (the discussion, not MySpace). Besides Christa's thread on how we didn't really know anyone our age who had a MySpace account, we talked largely about how it seems like a blog, but is really the polar opposite. When blogs first came out, they were all about anonymity (still are to a large degree). MySpace seems to be about including as much information as possible, including the easiest way for pedophiles to reach you. Despite my preference for relative anonymity, I now have a MySpace profile. I needed another Web site to ignore on a consistent basis. On the bright side, I expect it to greatly enhance my cyberstalking.

A lot more people on the East Coast, and especially in D.C., are single in their late 20s and early 30s. Clearly, I'm in the wrong city.

KFC has decided that their meals would be much better if, rather than putting it in those pesky, separate boxes, they put it all together in one bowl. And added cheese.
That is gross on so many levels. I don't care what my brother or the colonel say.


nanners said...

i have a myspace site too, but i didn't create it. christa and oregon did when they were drinking. it's pretty funny and oh so mean to me. I guess i should take it down, but i can't bring myself to destroy their hard work.

David said...

Wow. If I didn't already know you, I think I'd want to meet you.

Abba said...

There are always more attractive, single people away from home. It's just one of those universal truths.

Anonymous said...

"It's thanksgiving dinner but with fried chicken... and in a bowl"

btw... why does it say word verification when I sign on as other and then it makes me put in "epbwnlr"? That's not a word.