Monday, May 29, 2006

100 things about me: 21-30

21) I have a Superman shirt that I bought because, obviously, I like Superman. For some reason, every time I wear it, at least one stranger will call me "Superman" and talk to me as I were, in fact, the Man of Steel. The first time it happened, it was a crazy homeless guy, so I didn't think much of it. But the same thing has happened numerous times since then. "Hey, Superman, shouldn't you be out saving the world instead of getting an oil change?" "Hey, Superman, you better be careful doing laundry. You don't want to shrink your outfit." I don't get it. I'm just wearing a shirt; it's not like I'm wearing a cape and tights, too. I wonder if something similar happens to people wearing sports jerseys...

22) I got strep throat a lot when I was little. Eventually, they said if I got it once more they would take out my tonsils. I never got it again (well, not for many years). Apparently, my immune system responds well to threats.

23) Up until third grade, I wanted to be a paleontologist ... until I found out that, in reality, it's a pretty boring job.

24) Other discarded, or at least delayed, possible careers: teacher, video game tester, psychiatrist, reporter, president, bikini inspector.

25) I'm a picky eater. Once at dinner, a group of friends decided for every letter of the alphabet they would name a food I didn't like. With the help of the waiter who made up some obscure food for a letter or two, they succeeded.

26) I'm finicky when it comes to women, too. It's the Achilles' heel of my dating life. A lot of women catch my eye, but few can hold my attention.

27) I went backpacking around Europe with some friends for a month in the fall after graduating from college.

28) On that trip, I played cards with a cute French girl on a train that was stuck for an hour or so.

29) I did not make as much of an effort as I should have to hang out with a cute Dutch girl.

30) I did dance and make out with a really drunk older French girl at a jazz club. It was her idea, not mine -- mostly because we were right in front of her father.

1 comment:

Dapper Dad said...

I sort of wonder, can any woman really hope to tame you?