Monday, October 25, 2004

Let's talk politics

Disturbing story of the day: "Poll finds reality gap among Bush supporters"

It's about the disconnect between what a lot of voters think and what's reality. I'm not sure if this pervasive misinformation is the fault of the media or the fault of voters for not seeking out any information. Probably some of both. But if you're relying just on the candidates' TV ads to make your decision about who to vote for, please, take a minute and check out (Yes, the Web site that Dick Cheney unsuccessfully tried to steer viewers to during the vice presidential debate.) It's a nonpartisan site run by the University of Pennsylvania that sorts fact from fiction in a lot of the charges that BOTH candidates are flinging at each other. If you're going to vote (and you should), it should be an informed vote.

Here endeth the sermon.

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