Friday, October 22, 2004

About me

Alright, if you're reading this, you probably already know me. Otherwise, why would you be inclined to read my random thoughts? But just for kicks, I thought I'd post one of those old e-mail personality quizzes that used to be so popular back when I was a freshman in college and everyone was passing the dang things around. It's kind of long; I apologize. Anyway here we go...
Name: Brian
Age: 25
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Favorite relatives: That's not nice to pick.
What do you remember most about this year: I have a feeling Nov. 2 could be pretty memorable -- in an election-debacle sort of way...
What do you think of Ouija boards: I've never used one, and I'm generally skeptical of such things.
How are you feeling right now: I'm good, thanks.
Guys, with or without hats: Umm... if it's asking about me; I rarely wear hats.
Girls, with or without nail polish: I really don't care.
Favorite TV shows: Current shows -- Alias, West Wing, Lost, Celebrity Poker. Past shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Quantum Leap, MacGyver.
What's on your mouse pad: It's plain black.
In the car, AC or windows: I usually roll down the windows.
Do you believe in yourself: Yes.
Favorite board game: Trivial Pursuit or Scattergories
Favorite magazine: Electronic Gaming Monthly; Time is a solid second place.
Favorite sound: Laughter
Favorite smell: Buttered popcorn or homemade cookies
Drinks -- with or without ice: Without; it dilutes the drink too much after awhile.
Worst feeling in the world: Knowing you've hurt someone you care about. Or accidentally getting yourself caught in a zipper. It's a toss-up.
Best feeling in the world: Laughing with friends
Favorite thing to do on a weekend: See above (just one above, not the zipper thing)
Favorite soundtrack: I just bought the "Garden State" soundtrack, and it's pretty cool. I'm not sure really.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: At the age of 35. Everything else is a little hazy. But I plan on being happy.
Favorite place to live: In terms of simple location, I probably liked Colorado the best of any of the places I've lived thus far. There are probably some other places that would be pretty fun, like Paris. Or the moon.
What's the first thought you had this morning: Don't really remember, but it was probably something like "uuuhhhhhhh ....."
Do you get motion sickness: I did a lot when I was a kid; very rarely now.
Roller coasters, deadly or exciting: What, they can't be both?
Pens or pencils: Depends on what I'm doing, but I generally prefer pens.
Favorite author(s): David Sedaris, Dave Barry, Jonathan Kozol; I'm sure there are many others.
How many rings before you answer the phone: At work, 1; at home, 2.
Future son's names: I haven't really given this any thought, but I think Thor, God of Thunder, has a nice ring to it.
Future daughter's names: See above. (OK, maybe Thorette)
Are you a good friend: I try to be.
Chocolate or vanilla cake: Puh-lease ... chocolate.
Do you like to drive: Yes.
Thunderstorm -- scary or cool: Cool. Very cool.
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
What do you wear to bed: Wouldn't you like to know?
Do you eat stems of broccoli: Ick. I try to avoid veggies as much as possible.
If you could streak in front of one person's house, who would it be: Wow. That is one bizarro question. And the more I think about it, the more disturbed I become, so I'm just going to stop thinking about it.
If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Teacher or politician.
Future goal for next summer: Enjoy the outdoors more.
If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I like my hair as is, thanks.
If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: Not really my thing.
If you could turn into an animal, real or imaginary, what would it be: A monkey or an otter. Or, since they can be imaginary animals, too, how about a flying monkey that can swim like an otter?
What is your favorite brand of gum: Don't know, don't chew it.
What is your favorite quote: "You really can change the world if you care enough." -- Marian Wright Edelman (yeah, I have no idea who that is either.) Close second: "I hold these treasures close to my heart: The first is love; the second, simplicity; the third, overcoming ego." -- Unknown. And my third: "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." -- Henry David Thoreau
Is the glass half empty or half full: Depends on if you're pouring or drinking.
Pick a song that describes yourself: I always think of myself when I hear John Mayer's "My Stupid Mouth." But there's really no basis for it. I just think it's funny.
What is your favorite Snapple flavor: This must have been a question from when Snapple was much more popular. I don't drink Snapple, so I don't know.
Favorite movie(s): "Spider-Man 2," "Office Space," a little known movie called "Faces of Undeath."
Coke or Pepsi: I can't tell a difference between them, to be honest. But all things being equal, I tend to choose Coke; I don't know why.
Which is your favorite kind of milk: I always get 1% low-fat milk. But if we're talking about drinking it straight, it's gotta be chocolate.
If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose: Hmm ... an interestingly disturbing question. Something quick and painless. And then I'd burn the body to ashes because buried bodies always show up sooner or later.
Are you a righty or a lefty: Right-handed
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes
When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: Hair color, probably. And whether she's smiling.
Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: No. But I bet I could take one. Maybe.
Do you save your e-mail conversations: Many of them. Be warned.
Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork: No. That would be barbaric.
If you could be a gardening tool, which one would you be: Umm... a shovel. Why not? Better than a hoe.
What kind of shoe would you be: Probably a running shoe -- comfortable but practical.
Would you rather be an ear of corn, canned corn, dried corn or creamed corn: An ear of corn. I have no idea what that says about me.
If you could do anything to the person you hated most, what would you do: I don't like hanging on to hate. There's no point.
Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: Well, mud wrestling is less expensive. You'd have to buy a lot of Jell-O if you were to wrestle, I would think.
What's the best number: 19
Who is your biggest crush right now: Natalie Portman, but there's usually a string of lesser crushes on a permanent cycle.
Favorite album: Bare Naked Ladies' compilation CD or John Mayer's "Room for Squares"
Most important thing in a friendship: Trust
Guys, if a girl asked you for the shirt on your back, would you give it to her: What are the circumstances of this strange request? It would have to depend.
What's on the walls in your room: Pictures of friends and family and a couple of wall calendars (one an Alias calendar, the other a Chik-Fil-A "Cow Superheroes" calendar).
Whew.... sorry that was such a long quiz. And I deeply apologize if it was boring. But there you go -- more than you probably ever wanted to know about me. :-)


Anonymous said...

Cool site, Brian! I agree that Office Space most definitely is one of the best movies of all times. Reminds me of a couple places I know of! :) Tricia
P.S. Reading your e-mail survey for some reason got me back to thinking about all the bible study meetings we had in McDavid. Remember? Most of all, remember Ski?

David said...

I loved Ski. Welcome to this crazy blog world. It'll blow your mind, man.

Abba said...

Hey! I interviewed Marian Wright Edelman once for the magazine ... she was nice enough, even though her p.r. folks never bothered to tell her they'd scheduled her to have an interview with me.

Anonymous said...

"Favorite relatives: That's not nice to pick."
....yeah but...if you WERE to pick I'm sure it would be you Aunt Donna!!! Right!?!