Monday, May 15, 2006

Briguy by the beach

I spent a couple of days down in the Outer Banks earlier this week with my family. We expected beachfront property, and got a little more than we bargained for, but it was fun nonetheless.

In other news, it's been quite a week for technology in my humble life. It was E3, which is THE video game convention. There's a lot of coverage up on Gig Matrix that you should totally check out.

I also broke down and got Tivo. I had been afraid to do so for fear that it would be an enabler to my TV addiction. But, as one friend pointed out to me, "If you have a separate tape for every day of the week, you just need to get Tivo."
Which is a good point.

I've only started playing around with it, but it is pretty great. So many shows at the tip of my fingers... I can watch them anytime ...

Ah yes, I have chosen the form of the Destroyer.
And it is this.


nanners said...

wow, it looks a lot different from when we were there. gotta love those stilts.

BriGuy said...

As an addendum: Tivo also tapes stuff on its own it thinks I might like to try to entice me with. The promotional material calls this helpful and cool. I call it kinda creepy.

Anonymous said...

It's about damn time you got TiVo! You're going to love it. :) And you'll come to love the suggestions, too, unless TiVo starts to think you are gay, or in our case, a 7 year old kid who loves cartoons and cooking.

And as for the beach front property, my favorite picture was the one looking down at the water where your socks are clearly visible at the bottom of the picture. ;)


Autumn said...

Yay! I so support people having TiVo. It's the best thing to happen to TV watching since TV.

No tapes, no fuss, and it records even unusual/rescheduled times if you have a season pass. :-)