Friday, March 03, 2006

Name that lyric

I know that Clare likes to play this game, so I humbly offer my misinterpretation of a song lyric:

Heard on the radio recently: "Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Hart

What I hear/sing:
"She got control of me. I turn to her and say:
Don't flush the bread on the sky in shades of low."
(Yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense, thanks.)

What the song actually says:
"Has she got control of me? I turn to her and say:
Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no."

In the news:
A homeowner shot and killed an intruder in a ninja outfit. You know, there used to be a time when being a ninja meant something -- stealth, deadliness. But now it seems every yahoo out there thinks he can read a book and be a ninja. I blame Chris Farley.

The founder of Domino's pizza is building a town in Florida that will be run on Catholic principles. Stories will not be able to sell pornography, pharmacies will not carry condoms or birth control, and cable television won't have any X-rated channels. Gov. Jeb Bush applauded the development, saying it would create a community of like-minded people. (shudder) Is it just me, or is America getting creepier every day?

A cat in Germany died from bird flu. Health officials immediately began a mass quarantine, worried that it might have infected the man all tattered and torn, who kissed the maiden all forlorn, who milked the cow with the crumpled horn, that tossed the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the bird, that avian flu afflicted in the house that Jack built.

According to a recent poll, Americans know more about "The Simpsons" than the First Amendment. But let's face it, if the Constitution were on TV 10 times a day, we'd probably know it pretty well, too.


Abba said...

When someone mishears a lyric it's called a "mondegreen." You can see the etymology and some famous mondegreens at the wikipedia entry on mondegreens

David said...

That wikipedia entry on mondegreens was great! Now I have a new word and it reminded me of a book I read with misheard lyrics, 'Scuse me while I kiss this guy.