Friday, March 31, 2006

Aw, geez, when did this turn into freakin' Oprah?!?

I thought this Washington Post article was an interesting look at relationships and those of us in our 20s. It seems a good chunk of us (38 percent) are not only NOT in relationships, but we're not even looking. I find myself a number in this statistic, so perhaps I'm biased, but I thought the article made a few interesting points. And it was nice to know that I'm not alone in putting my emphasis on other things (work, friends) rather than a committed relationship. It's not to say this group of people wouldn't date someone if the opportunity came along, we're just not actively seeking it out.

I have to admit that part of my apathy toward searching for a relationship has to do with skewed belief borne of watching too many romantic comedies: Eventually when the right person comes along, we will "meet cute" and it will pretty much be inevitable from there. (As will the miscommunications that lead to wacky hijinks, a break up, and a montage of me in a dark room getting lazy and fat before someone snaps me out of it and I go out to win the girl, which of course, I will.)

All of which is, of course, utter crap.

But it probably explains my multiple crushes on celebrities based largely on their characters in romantic comedies.

While a lot of younger people tend to get criticized for not taking relationships seriously enough, the article brings out an interesting possibility that maybe we take relationships too seriously. We want the perfect mate and perfect relationship, and neither one exists.


OK, when the heck did I start channeling Carrie Bradshaw??!?

To make up for all of that, I'm ending with a photo of a truck I saw the other day that made me laugh. Probably because I'm juvenile.

I think it's a boy truck.


Anonymous said...

I guess I'm juvenile, too.

-- Oregon

David said...

Or maybe you just live at home with your parents, like one third of boys our age according to that sameWashington Post.
I don't trust the statistics as far as I can throw them, but both were interesting reads.

Abba said...
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Abba said...

That article really resonates with me. I like setting my own schedule and priorities. It'll have to take one heck of a guy to entice me to make room for his schedule and priorities.

And as far as the photo ... I'm a recovering prude, and it made me laugh.

BriGuy said...

I have to admit, Dave, those statistics about the number of boys living at home seem suspicious to me, too. It just seems ridiculously high.

And Abba, that is exactly it.

nanners said...

you should channel carrie bradshaw more often.