Sunday, March 26, 2006

Make your choice

First, my latest mondegreen. I didn't realize until recently when I downloaded the acoustic version of Rob Thomas' "Lonely No More" that what I had been hearing:

"Now its hard for me with my heart still on the mend
Open up to me, and I'll do your girlfriends"

was actually this:
"Now its hard for me with my heart still on the mend
Open up to me, like you do your girlfriends"

I had just always assumed the guy was a total cad looking to sleep with his girl's friends. Ends up, he's actually a sensitive guy looking for an emotional connection. My sincerest apologies, Rob Thomas. Although you probably give that line to all the girls...

Anyhow, my real reason for this post is to pose a question borne of one of my favorite shows of "This American Life" -- the one on superpowers. If you could choose between invisibility and flight, which would you pick? You'd be the only one with this power (or any superpower for that matter). And because questions about the details of this always arise, here are the caveats:
1) You don't have to be naked to be invisible. You could turn your clothes invisible, but not any objects you pick up.
2) You can fly up to 1,000 mph at any altitude within the Earth's atmosphere. For the sake of argument, we will say that you can do this comfortably.

So ... which would you choose, why and what would you do with the power?


Anonymous said...

I've never really gotten the whole invisibility thing. It seems like it'd be useful only for snooping, and even then it would only be useful for your own gratification. It's not like you could sneak into the office of some shady CEO and then report on his acivities before a Senate committee. Somehow I think that evidence wouldn't fly (no pun intended). Heck, they even had to ramp up Sue Storm's powers with the ability to make invisible force shields and stuff because after awhile, the guys at Marvel were like, "Hey, you know what? Invisible Woman is really boring."

Hence, I'd go flight. Then you could actually do some cool stuff and probably help people. Though, hmmm... I wonder if you could only carry someone while you were flying that you could carry on the ground. In which case it would probably be better if some guy who could benchpress 300 pounds got flight instead of me.

Anonymous said...

Flight with other people also poses a small problem if only you are comfortable flying at 1000 miles an hour at any altitude. Because what if you forgot and while flying someone around you went too high and they started suffocating and/or freezing to death. Plus... cross country flights would still take 3 hours and when you're just soaring along in the upper atmosphere... that's got to get boring... but if you fly lower you have to worry about planes and ducks (dont' want to pull a Fabio).

mightybob said...

Oh Rob Thomas... if only you were still single... *sigh* what a hottie.

I'd definitely go for invisibility. I could be the ultimate cultural anthropologist - just sit back and observe without biasing people's behaviors by making them feel watched. I wonder how ethical that would be, though...