Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ain't that cute?

I have a sneaking suspicion most of you aren't going to get past this first link, but one of the Web sites up for a Bloggie is Cute Overload -- a site dedicated to nauseatingly cute pictures of bunnies, puppies, kittens, etc. No doubt some of you are about to spend hours there.

Another site that you can easily lose yourself in, as Clare has pointed out, is Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About. I haven't finished reading all of it, but it's pretty hilarious. (Scroll over the girlfriend's picture for a little treat.)

In culinary news, I made sausage calzones tonight. They were pretty tasty, although a little large. Like, the half the size of my head large. For dessert? Root beer float. Mmm...

And in the wider world, there's been a lot going on:

Saddam Hussein was ejected from court Sunday amid growing chaos in the trial. Saddam and attorneys stormed out and are boycotting the hearings, presumably so they can find the bicycling bear that will complete this three-ring circus.

Oprah had James Frey, author of "memoir" "A Million Little Pieces," on her show to give the world an example of what happens when you piss off Oprah. The best part? At the end of the show, every member of the audience got to take home one of the million little pieces of Frey's dignity that was left.

Sammy "The Gavel" Alito was confirmed to the Supreme Court. As Stephen Colbert said, "All you need to know: Stock up on Trojans."

Coretta Scott King, widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., died Tuesday.

Fed chairman Alan Greenspan stepped down Tuesday after 19 years on the job. Ben Bernanke will take his place, and man, you don't want to know what kind of hazing those economists are gonna put him through. Wild stuff, I tell ya ...

A tourist at a museum in England tripped on his shoelace, fell down the stairs and crashed into some very rare vases, shattering them into a million little pieces. No doubt the story is already being made into a book, though in the retelling the tourist will be drunk and high on cocaine and the vases will actually be small children.

George Bush gave his State of the Union address on Tuesday night. He focused on supporting the war (all of them) and trying to make the U.S. less dependent on oil. At hearing this, all the politicians who stood to applaud? Monkeys flew out of their butts.
It was the darndest thing.


Autumn said...

Funny! Someone told me about Cute Overload about two hours ago.

hlw said...

The links on your blog bring much entertainment and laughter to my coworkers and friends - I often send out emails URL's!

nanners said...

i want a bunny.

Christa said...

i want oprah to discredit me.