Monday, February 20, 2006

The one where Dick Cheney shoots a guy

Well, you had to figure I wasn't going to let the biggest news of last week slip by without mention; it just took me awhile to get around to it.

For those of you who somehow missed out, about a week ago, Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a hunting partner during a quail hunting trip. A day later, Cheney's office confirmed what had happened, and the White House soon came out with the real story, saying that Cheney had not shot the lawyer, the lawyer had put his face in front of the shotgun pellets. Cheney later took responsibility for the shooting, explaining that a malfunction in his circuitry had caused him to temporarily turn against all humans.

In other news today:

One ticket won the $365 million Powerball jackpot. The winner has not stepped forward yet, but you can be sure the one place you won't find him or her today will be at the office.

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