Thursday, June 30, 2005

30 Days

If you're not watching "30 Days," a new TV show on F/X (10 p.m. ET Wednesdays, and rerun throughout the week), you need to check it out. It's made by Morgan Spurlock, who made the documentary "Supersize Me" about what would happen if he ate only McDonald's for a month. (The results were not pretty, as you might imagine.) Unlike Michael Moore and his guerrilla, gotcha-style film-making, Spurlock seems more curious than anything else. The first episode, which I regrettably missed, had he and his fiancee trying to get by on minimum wage jobs for 30 days. The second episode showed a guy who wanted to regain his youth through steroids, growth hormones and a variety of other means for 30 days. And the most recent episode had a Christian living among Muslims for 30 days, which was a great episode. By the end of it, it's not a total turnaround for the guy -- you can see he still has some prejudices -- but after getting to know some Muslims and being on the receiving end of vilification (he had to dress as a Muslim), he does come to the realization that not all Muslims are extremists and terrorists.
In a TV schedule full of things like "I Want to be a Hilton" and "Fear Factor," it's nice to see a show that actually makes people stop and think about some of society's issues.


Anonymous said...

I have a secret crush on Morgan Spurlock because he is so smart and actually does stuff to challenge things.

Why is that sexy to me? It's definitely NOT about the moustache.


Anonymous said...

I saw the first episode. Basically it came down to "You can make ends meet on minimum wage as long as you don't have kids or ever need to see a doctor. Otherwise it sucks, a lot." It is an intriguing show though I wonder if it will ever catch on since it'll be hard for them to ever have a full season given the very nature of the show (even if they tape multiple episodes at the same time). -Kevin