Thursday, March 24, 2005

It's odorific!

First off, if you haven't seen "Robot Chicken" on the Cartoon Network, you should check it out sometime. Seth Green is involved if that helps sell it for you. Read more here.
(Coming tomorrow, my review of the Americanized version of "The Office.")

On to my life ...
Really, there hasn't been too much going on. I'm getting close to getting everything unpacked. Then it will just be a matter of getting everything organized. Woo hoo.

In less pleasant news, besides the fact that I still cannot get the cigarette smell to go away completely from my apartment (though I only notice it briefly when I come in now), now one of my closets smells funny.
This is a closet off the hallway, probably for linens and coats. I don't have much in there yet and there's no visible mold or anything, but it really kind of reeks. It smells a little bit like urine, but I know I haven't peed in there (it's not a water closet -- HA!). And I don't remember it smelling that way when I moved in. So seriously, what the hell?!
Right now, I just spray air freshener in there, but that only works for a few moments. I've tried keeping the door open to let it air out, but that just lets the odor waft out. We'll see; I'll come up with something.

Gee, all this stuff about my apartment really makes it sound like a crap-hole. It's not really. (I've certainly lived in worse -- there's no big, black spot on the carpet anywhere that looks like a wrestled with an octopus, the heating seems to work consistently and I have yet to have to call the cops on any neighbors.)
But it definitely has its share of quirks...

1 comment:

nanners said...

Put an air freshener in the closet. One you can stick on the wall. Febreeze works wonders too. Or rub bleach on the walls because then you'll smell that and it will eliminate any beginnings of mold.