Tuesday, March 15, 2005

False alarm

I was supposed to have my new employee orientation at work today -- this morning, to be more precise, which involved me getting up several hours earlier than usual. So I dragged myself out of bed and arrived at work, only to find that there was no orientation today. It had been rescheduled. Supposedly an e-mail had been sent to my supervisor, but since she's been out of the office for about a week, who knows? So I went back home and slept for a few more hours.
Despite being rather miffed at this lack of communication (as if it would have been terribly hard to e-mail ME), I'm hoping that the early morning will jump start my sleeping schedule back into something a little more normal. I've been staying awake until about 4 a.m. and sleeping until noon, which is a lousy way of getting anything done. So we'll see.

A couple of other things I feel like railing against, when my cable company set up my cable and high-speed Internet last week, the guy never even stopped by my apartment to see if it worked or anything. This mostly annoyed me because I had woken up at 8 a.m. so that I would be up during the several-hour-timespan in which he was supposed to arrive. But it ends up I could have slept through the whole dang thing and been fine. There was also another cable guy from the same company across the street working on an apartment there at the same time. You'd think one guy could have handled both since he was here, but I guess not. The funny thing was that UPS spent the next couple of days trying to deliver two packages from the cable company. After waiting between the hours of 10-5 for the second attempt at delivery and running in to the guy as I walked out of my apartment at 5:05, I received a coaxial cable and a box of stuff for my Internet access. He said they'd been delivering a lot of those lately, so I can only imagine what kind of shipping costs this is incurring for the company. So why on Earth wouldn't you just have the cable guy take two minutes and hand this stuff to me in person?!? Are all their cable guys lepers or something?
It makes no sense.

Also in the realm of things that make no sense, McDonald's (or at least the ones here) has begun to offer only 10-piece Chicken McNuggets with its value meal. It used to be eight and that was perfect. But no, now I have to get 10. It's not a supersize choice or something, it's the default, and I can't downsize it. I don't want 10 chicken nuggets; I only want eight. I'm seriously considering not eating at McDonald's anymore in protest. And for those that know some of my eating habits, you know that's a big deal.

In other interesting news, check out this fascinating story about what happened between Brian Nichols -- the guy from the Atlanta courthouse shootings -- and the woman he took hostage in her apartment. It's a great read.


Jessica said...

I so feel your pain about waiting unending hours for delivery guys who never come. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

So you want them to take TWO of those nuggets and shove them up their butts. Then you want a junior Western bacon chee -- a JUNIOR Western bacon cheese. You're trying to watch your weight, right?


nanners said...

The thing that ticks me off about UPS and Fed Ex, is that if you live alone and in an apartment, they won't just leave your package if no one is there to sign for it. They'll bring it back to their service center after 2 attempts and you have to go pick it up. Well, then what's the point of delivery? And the business of giving you a 7-hour block where they could drop it off; insane. Most people aren't home during the day and can only wait around for so long. I mean, what if I tried mailing myself to someone? Not that I would ever do that. But I would soooo suffocate in that box if you, I mean whoever, wasn't there to let me out right away.