Friday, January 28, 2005

The verdict

I got the call early this evening while I was at work.

I got the job.

There are still some details to work out, but I accepted and will be headed out to Norfolk, Virginia, sometime in mid-February. (Not quite sure when yet.) And of all the bizarre things, I think the company is going to pay for me to fly out -- again -- for a couple of days so that I can find a place to live.
Coming from a company that won't even pay moving costs for people anymore, I'm not sure I'll be able to adjust to a place that treats its employees and prospective employees so well.
But I'll try.

In the meantime, some interesting Virginia trivia:
The state slogan seems to be "Virginia is for lovers." I think this could bode well for my social life, but probably not.
The state motto is: "Sic semper tyrannis" -- Thus always to tyrants. I have no idea what that means, but I think I might be moving to a state the supports tyranny. Then again, it is a red state....


Anonymous said...

Ditto that. And I raise it a "way to go, tiger."


Dapper Dad said...

Don't you already have a job? How can you do both?

Anonymous said...

Why, God? Why?


Anonymous said...

yay, brian! they're lucky to have ya.

-- katy

Anonymous said...

Way to go Brian! I bet it was the drunk dial that put them over the edge. I find most drunk dials push people over the edge. Not from experience or anything. I just have friends who have done it. People I know. Not me. Congrats!

~Amber the Zombie

Anonymous said...

Ignore the whole "Thus always tyrants" part of the state seal. We just want your first born sons to raise in the likeness of our tabacco loving, gentried selves. If you don't like this stipulation, then pistols at dawn.

-The Virginian (posing as Pennsylvanian)

Jessica said...

Brian, this is wonderful news! Congratulations! I admit, I had to look up Norfolk on the map when you first started talking about it, and I am convinced that the competition must have been just that much stiffer due to amazing weather and pure proximity to the Atlantic. Rock on.
I hope you enjoy the Southern hospitality and sweet tea that are doubtless waiting for you (as evidenced by your employer's generosity with plane tickets!). If West Virginia is almost heaven, I guess that leaves you nestled in paradise. Enjoy!