Monday, January 31, 2005

Bowling for pride

It's been a good, if not somewhat idle, day. It involved three hours of video-game playing and an evening of bowling. As often happens when I bowl with my friends, small wagers are made. They aren't monetary bets, they're more about embarrassment. I once lost a game of bowling and had to serenade a male friend with "Wind Beneath My Wings" outside a bar.
No, I was not drunk.

The usual routine is that the first game is a warm-up and then the betting begins. This benefits my friends pretty well because I usually win the first game and then choke under the pressure of a bet. That's how it went tonight -- strong first game, horrible second game. Because I lost the second game, I was going to have to say, during every budget meeting at work until I left: "Well, I would hate to disagree with Capt. Dusty McAwesome* because he's so very smart."
*His real name would have been used in such a scenario.

Luckily, we played a third game and bet again -- If I won, the slate would be wiped clean; if Capt. Dusty won, I would have to mention his superior intellect in the budget meetings and fetch (and pay for) any drinks he wanted from the vending machine during work for the rest of my time here.
Luckily, I fared better under the pressure and won.
I'm not Christa -- there's only so much shame I can take...

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