Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I'm back

Sorry it's been so long. A few highlights from my trip to Virginia:

I've decided I really don't like flying. It's just terribly inconvenient, and the airlines have made it worse by stripping out all the amenities. Arm rest radio? Gone. In-flight movies? Gone on most of the flights. Meals? Gone. I'm stuck with cramped seats, a small bag of pretzels and a drink. And delayed flights. Out of the four flights I had to take last week, three of them were late. We sat on the runway for a long time in Duluth, which in Detroit left me with about 10 minutes to dash from one gate to my connecting gate in a totally different terminal. (Original layover time, about 45 minutes.) I got there about two minutes before they closed the doors.
My luggage, however, did not make the trip.
Luckily, I got it late that night.
The trip back was no better. A delayed flight out of Norfolk left me with 10 minutes again to catch a flight in a different terminal. My saving grace this time, it ended up, was that my connecting flight wasn't even ready to board by the time I got there. I got into Duluth an hour late. It's no wonder so many airlines are going bankrupt.

The interviews went well and I had a good time in Norfolk. The weather was the most talked about thing while I was there. I apparently brought the cold weather with me. They were having a cold snap -- a high of about 30. The people there seemed to think this was freakish. I politely tried not to laugh in their faces. It was in the upper 20s today in Duluth and I went out with just a sweatshirt. (Well, pants, too.)

I got a haircut while I was out there. It was the morning before my interview, and I decided just to do something totally different -- I didn't really care what. I normally keep my hair short, but I had been growing it out for awhile, more out of laziness than anything else. So I just told the stylist to do whatever she thought would look good as long as it wasn't too crazy and I would have some hope of re-creating it the next morning.
When she was done, she had, unbeknownst to her, given me the exact same haircut I had when I kept it shorter. She asked what I thought; I just said, "Works for me."
Like they say: If you love a haircut, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours forever.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you clarified about your pants wearing. I get sick at the thought of you NOT wearing your pants. Literally, nauseated.

And, I can't believe you're already experimenting with the hair cutters in Virginia. What's next? I suppose you ate their sandwiches (plain, of course) and walked on their sidewalks. Well, I hope it was good, BriGuy. I hope it was worth it.


Anonymous said...

Finally, you've let this blog go in the direction it's been pulling all along: Thoughts about your own hair.
