Monday, December 13, 2004

This gets my goat

In this time of giving, I'll direct your attention to a worthy cause:
Heifer International
It's an organization that provides cows, chickens and other animals to poor regions of the world to provide a sustainable source of food and income. And the people who get these animals are obligated to pass along their offspring to others in need, thus spreading the chain.
It's a worthwhile site and a good cause, so I encourage you to check it out. There's also a section on things we can all do to help end hunger and save the planet.
A woman at work organized a group of us to donate for the holidays; I think we're getting a goat.
And while I've already gotten people's gifts for this year, I have to admit that I struggle finding things for people. So I think, in the future, charitable gifts may be the way to go.
So don't be surprised, if next year, I donate a chicken on your behalf.


nanners said...

Will you actually donate a chicken TO me? I am poor. I could harvest my own eggs. Wait, I mean the chicken's eggs. And eat them. The chicken's eggs.

Jessica said...

I really like the part about how the receivers become givers in this project, when the original animals have offspring. That was the neatest part about working at Habitat for Humanity--the absolute transformation in some homeowners' lives after the reality had sunk in that now they had this massive resource in their lives (homeownership) that they could leverage to make a huge difference in their families and circles of friends. I saw homeowners organize neighborhood watch programs, clean up parks, lead Scouting troops. Suddenly they weren't just "in need" anymore, but they had something to give, and the transformation was from the inside out.