Thursday, December 09, 2004

Money talks...

Well, it doesn't really talk. That would be creepy.
But if money could talk, oh, the stories it would tell.
I got a $20 bill the other night that had the words "CURRENCY TRACKING PROJECT" on the top of the back of the bill, and "WWW.WHERESGEORGE.COM" printed on the bottom. Being a curious sort, I checked it out. It's a little Internet project to track where your currency has been and where it ends up after it leaves your hand. Most of my money hadn't been reported before, but the $20 with the writing on it had last been entered in Philadelphia about 175 days ago.
I find this interesting. I don't know why.
It also makes me want to wash my hands after touching money.

On an unrelated note, I saw "Blade: Trinity" tonight. I have a penchant for what most people would consider to be bad and/or cheesy action films. Don't get me wrong -- I like the movies with depth, character development, emotion and, you know, a plot. But the entertaining action movies are sort of my guilty pleasure. Luckily, I have a cohort in crime for this -- my friend Val. I actually have to restrain her from seeing some of the movies that are bad even by our standards. ("Alien vs. Predator"? Hell, yeah. "Catwoman"? Not a chance.) To most people, this will seem like an arbitrary distinction, but trust me, the line is there.
Anyhow, we both agreed that "Blade: Trinity" was excellent entertainment -- good action scenes and plenty of humor. The addition of Ryan Reynolds and a butt-kicking Jessica Biel (be still my heart) was definitely what the series needed to spice things up. And if that doesn't convince you, I just have two words:
Vampire dogs.
There's just something about turning dogs into evil creatures (also see: "Resident Evil") that I find fun/funny.
Maybe it's because I'm not a pet person ...

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