Friday, December 17, 2004

It's not mine

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted; it's been a hectic week. I've managed to procrastinate quite well about critiquing papers for the Virginian-Pilot, where I'm applying for a job. I'm also way behind on sending Christmas cards.
But enough excuses, there are several things I'd like to blog about, but I'll start out with this:
I don't usually remember my dreams, so I always find it interesting, if not bizarre, when I do remember snippets. Last night, I dreamt I was being sentenced for using drugs. I'm not sure what kind of drugs, and I didn't remember ever using drugs or being convicted on the charge, but here I was being sentenced. I didn't fight it too hard, only saying, "I have no idea how to prove that I didn't do something." So the judge sentenced me to forking over half my salary for the rest of my life. (It should be noted that I'm pretty sure the court proceedings were taking place in a one-room schoolhouse, so in retrospect, I'm not sure they were entirely legit.) I complained about the unfairness of the restitution with the plea: "But I work at a newspaper. I barely make enough money as it is. If I have to pay half my salary, I won't have enough money to live."
The judge -- who I vaguely remember as being a friend, but I'm not sure who -- didn't care.
I think I like it better when I don't remember my dreams. My subconscious is seriously disturbed.


nanners said...

I adore your Shrek 2 reference.

Abba said...

Good luck with the job-application process.