Monday, December 06, 2004

So ... ummm....

I'm not that great a small talk in the first place, but if you want a real challenge, try coming up with things to say at a sort-of-work function to a co-worker you don't know that well who has brought a date almost young enough to be his daughter, whom he met over the Internet and has since left his wife for.
Talk about awkward.

On a brighter note, you may have noticed that I've added some links to more people's blogs (our numbers are always growing) along with links to a few sites you might like. I would like to especially point out the last two blogs (Site of the Living Dead and The Hero Guild). The former will be particularly useful if you've ever wondered how to deal with a zombie attack (better to be prepared than eaten, I always say). The latter I expect will be a fascinating look at the extraordinary lives of a few superheroes. Though I have no idea who these brave men are, they have my eternal gratitude for making the world a safer place. They're also dapper dressers from what I hear.

1 comment:

nanners said...

These "superheroes" can only be called dapper dressers because of the women who dress them. Men can't sew, or shop, well. I'm sexist.