Monday, January 08, 2007

Cool clip: Let's go to the mall!

"How I Met Your Mother" is back tonight after it's holiday hiatus. In the show's honor, let's relive one of the funniest things from the first half of the season -- the music video showing Robin's brief tenure as a Canadian pop star.


Anonymous said...

I must've missed this when it first aired, so can someone explain to me how, if Robin is roughly the same age we are, she was a pop star in the '80s?

Also, I'm pretty sure that's a close relative of Screech's robot, Kevin, from Saved by the Bell in that video.

BriGuy said...

She explained it in the show as something along the lines of "The '80s didn't hit Canada until the mid-'90s."

Matty said...

that is freakin hilarious!! unfortunately, i can't get the song out of my head. now... tell us more about the HOUSE!vxwcu