Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Take Two

It occurred to me yesterday that I should have titled my last post "I fought the claw, and the claw won."


I'll be in Indianapolis at a conference for work for most of the week, but I promise to try to post more in the list of things-about-me-that-you-had-totally-forgotten-

And on a totally unrelated note, SciFi Channel's "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" is an AWESOME show. If they have another season, I would so do it. I just have to come up with my superhero persona.


Anonymous said...

When in Indianapolis, don't forget to go duckpin bowling.

Mike Scholtz
Director of "How to Bowl the Duckpin Way."

Anonymous said...

Where do you come up with these titles? This is why I don't have a blog. I'm not whitty enough to have a blog