Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Things about me: 51-60

51) I have to start my day out with a glass of orange juice.

52) I don't drink coffee, although there are some mornings I wish I did. I don't need the caffeine addiction, though.

53) I eat breakfast every morning, unless I'm in a big rush. Breakfast is almost always cereal. Almost always a kids' cereal. Usually without milk. (The current rotation: Corn Pops and Strawberry Cheerios)

54) My general philosophy in life is hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

55) I'm an optimist almost to a fault. I have a strong belief that everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know what it is, and that everything will work out eventually.

56) Sort of on the other half of my philosophy, things I always carry on my person -- just in case -- include a Band-Aid, Swiss Army knife, small flashlight, pen, chapstick and cell phone.

57) I believe in God.

58) I don't believe in hell.

59) Consequently, although I was raised Methodist, I would not consider myself particularly religious, though I do consider myself fairly spiritual. (Basically meaning, I have my beliefs, but they don't necessarily line up with traditional church doctrine.)

60) Whenever I hear "Walk Like an Egyptian," when it gets to the part with the whistling, I have to whistle along -- doesn't matter where I am, I just have to.


nanners said...

usually without milk? I never once saw you use milk. i do remember teasing you relentlessly about it, though.

mightybob said...

yay, the list isn't dead...
i generally carry with me a bandaid, antiseptic wipe, ibuprofen, small leatherman (I had an even smaller one, but i forgot to take it off my keychain when i was getting on a plane, and it was confiscated. same happened with my pepper spray on a different flight), pepper spray (thanks, dad), tiny flashlight, breath mints, small notebook, golf pencil, pen, small hand lotion, sun glasses, granola bar, chapstick, lip gloss, nail clippers, travel-size pack of kleenex, cell phone, and (lately) camera. other items come and go, but the above are the essentials. of course, that necessitates a purse. and, of course, my purse weighs a ton. i won't even *start* into what i carry in my trunk... and, of course, i have a similar philosophy to 54. and 55.
i definitely believe in hell, though. been to close to it not to. same goes for God, i suppose.

BriGuy said...

It's probably best I don't get into what I carry in my car, either. That's quite a list, Mighty Bob, but no duct tape? :-)

And Jana, I do too use milk on some cereals -- Raisin Bran and anything in the Krispies or Pebbles families. There might be one or two others as well.

mightybob said...

I've yet to find travel-size duct tape. I do, however, carry masking tape, chalk, a dry erase marker, hair clips, paper clips, a mini-stapler, hand sanitizer, etc. in my backpack :)