Friday, July 15, 2005

Flights of fancy

Does anyone else who watches "Lost" view plane flights differently now? I'm not scared that I'm going to crash or anything, but now every time I get on the plane, I find myself scoping out the other passengers and wondering, if we should crash on a mysterious island where polar bears and invisible man-eating monsters run amok, who among these people will make up the core group of characters that I will have to depend on?

Most of the time, I think I'd be screwed.

The in-flight magazine on my last flight had an article about Iceland and how they still believe in elves, gnomes, trolls, fairies, mountain spirits and 13 evil Santas. They also believe in ghosts and hidden beings that live in a parallel world to us but occasionally help people and eat pancakes. Many people genuinely believe in these creatures and will take major pains to avoid disturbing them. Others are skeptical, but find it best to act as if they do exist, just in case.

In a world driven by science and logic, and being of such ilk myself, I find it strangely comforting that there's still a land where people believe in magic and fairy tales -- in things unseen. It strikes me as having an element of faith to it, but without the frequent subversion that religion has endured. After all, no one ever went to war or killed anyone else because of a gnome.

And if it means you're a little more considerate of nature and have an active imagination, well, maybe we should all be so lucky as to believe in elves.


David said...

I've never watched "Lost" but sometimes I think how screwed I'd be on a deserted island. I'm not sure I have any actual survival skills. I'd need to google how to tie a knot or make a fire. It's pathetic. Maybe that's why those little survival guides are selling at all. We have very few Professors and a lot of Gilligans.

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that there is a land where magical creatures run free and people still believe in them. That land is New Zealand. And the people there may have never gone to war over gnomes... but many of them did go to war over a magical ring in a desperate attempt to save humanity (amongst many other creatures).

BriGuy said...

I admit to checking for potential Kates, as well, Clare. (Although not being a doctor, I'm not sure I would really be a Jack. Probably more of a Hurley -- just cracking jokes.) And hey, Kate ... Shannon ... they're both hotties! :-)