Wednesday, July 13, 2005

And now for a break in your regularly scheduled programming

I didn't do news in a nutshell this week. Just didn't get around to it. Sorry. I may not next week either cuz I'm going home for a few days.

But I'm posting tonight because I promised my friend Southern Belle* I would when I got home. (* Name may change at a later date. This is the fourth one I've decided on, but I think there might be something better. But I'm not thinking too clearly right now. I'm too sleepy. So it'll have to do for now. Sorry.)

Anywhooo. We went to the bar to shoot some pool after work but it was crowded and the table was taken. So instead I drank half a glass of hard cider and got a little tipsy. This should come as absolutely no surprise to those of you familiar with my alcohol intolerance. In my defense, I forgot to eat dinner at work except for some chicken noodle soup. But really, that's no defense and I'm prepared for the onslaught of snide remarks.

Anyhow, we saw embarrasingly dressed girls, including one with shorts that revealed things I'm pretty sure I should have only seen if I were married to her. Then we left, and Southern Belle was kind enough to drive me home even though I live on the other side of town from her just because I'd rather be safe than stupid.

Mostly, I oohed and aahed at the lightning and we listened to a very good CD by this guy. His name isn't Joshua Jackson, because that's Pacey from Dawson's Creek, and it was definitely not Pacey singing, but the name is something like that. It has a Joshua in it. Or a Jackson. Or something like that.
I also realized I have a hard time carrying a tune when I'm tipsy. Which is a good mental note for the next time I sing karaoke.

Anyhow, not-Pacey is cool. You should check him out.

There's really nothing more exciting to report. Hmmm ... sorry about that. I got tipsy and all you got was this lousy posting.


nanners said...

Jack Johnson?

Anonymous said...

"I got tipsy and all you got was this lousy posting."

Can I get that on a shirt? I promise to wear it to all family functions if you do.

Anonymous said...

Dude. It was totally Jack Johnson, and you were a riot. For starters, you WALKED A LINE IN THE PARKING LOT as proof that you were tipsy. Riot as in you were car-dancing and singing along, loudly. And definitely oohing and aahing at the lightning. And you definitely had that dazed, floofy look from half a cider too many. =)

Party on.