Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I scream, you scream, we all scream, "HAIL!"

The big news in the geek world, where I often reside, is the unveiling of the next-gen consoles from Sony and Nintendo (following the earlier announcements about the Xbox 360, which I already wrote about). You can see my friends' take on the systems at Gig Matrix, along with my review of the movie "Unleashed." (Yes, I'm still cross-promoting. Get used to it.)

Oh, and if you haven't already heard, Fox is going to renew "Arrested Development." Praise the TV gods!

In anecdotal news, I was at work on Sunday and had a craving for ice cream, so I decided to make a DQ run. So I headed out under what had become cloudy skies. Shortly after leaving DQ, I began to see lightning. I saw a few drops appear on my windshield and began to close the sunroof. As soon as it closed ... WHOOSH! The rain began pouring from the heavens in a manner that made me consider building an ark. And then came the quarter-sized hail. It soon looked like it had snowed outside and I was seriously afraid for my car with all this ice loudly bouncing off it. (The hail actually broke a window of a car in the office parking lot, but everyone else's cars seemed OK.) And apparently, small ponds form quickly in the low-lying area in which I now live. Not fun. But I finally made it back to the parking lot and dashed inside, becoming a drowned, ice-pelted rat in the process.

Just imagine what I would do (oo-ooo) for a Klondike bar...

On the coincidental side, I had been thoroughly cleaning my desk at work earlier in the evening and felt kind of yucky afterward. I thought, "Gee, I sure wish I could take a quick shower."

Apparently, I need to watch what I wish for.


Jessica said...

I guess a hailstorm makes the DQ a little less tempting...

Abba said...

I like hailstorms. A lot. Ever since one forced Chuck Norris* and I to spend twenty minutes beneath the carport of the local Catholic church at the most romantic point of our very short relationship.

*Not his real name.