Friday, February 04, 2005

Quick hits

A few totally random and mostly news-related things:

1) In answer to a question about where to read more about Social Security, I would suggest a few things -- the Common Sense on Social Security Web site (it hasn't been updated recently and I haven't looked at all of it, but the site contains some good information), a columnist for has a good article as well, this is a quick look at Bush's plan, and of course, there's the Social Security Web site, too. If you have audio on your computer, you can also check out NPR's fact check on Bush's State of the Union address, which talks some about Social Security and other issues mentioned in the speech.

2) In a disturbing survey, it was found that one-third of high school students think the press has too much freedom. Even worse, 36 percent think the government should have to approve stories before they're published. PEOPLE!!!!!!! You're totally missing the point of a FREE press!!!!!
Kids these days....

3) Speaking of disturbing, it seems yet another columnist has been paid by the government (with your tax dollars) to promote various policies (without disclosing the pay). That makes at least three for those of you keeping score.

That's all for now. I promise to do something more light-hearted soon.


Christa said...

you're cute when you get all activisty.

Jessica said...

Thanks for the info.