Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Movin' on up

On Friday, the movers come to take my stuff away. There was some confusion about whether they should be here this Friday or the next (Feb. 25), but it's all straightened out now. They'll be here this week and I'll drive out to Norfolk over the next several days and start work Thursday, Feb. 24.
The first time I talked to them, I asked when they would be able to deliver my items. The answer: March 1-8.
So I've had to arrange my packing a little so that I can take the necessities with me when I drive out there -- clothes, TV, video games.
And I'll be sleeping on a sleeping bag on my floor for about a week.
Should be interesting.


Abba said...

If your drive brings you through Chicagoland, you know you have a place to spend the night!

Jessica said...

Good thing you have your priorities straight. Don't forget your toothbrush!

Christa said...

uh oh. make sure you poke holes in the boxes that are going to take the longest to get there. you never know if a bunch of your friends might be looking at it as a clean getaway from duluth.

Anonymous said...

Speaking from experience... don't forget to make a run to the store as soon as you get there. It sucks when you wake up the morning after driving into town and realize you have no shower curtain, no towel, and no toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

I like your priorities.