Saturday, February 05, 2005

A group of journalists walk into a bar....

My cohorts and I decided to try something new tonight after work. We would ditch the usual bar for someplace different -- get a change of scenery. Those that know me know that I am not a bar person. I'll go to them every once in awhile to socialize and because I like playing pool and darts, but if I never had to go into another bar again, I'd be totally fine with that. Actually, I'd probably be quite happy.

So we got to the other bar, and it ends up it was pretty much exactly like the old one. It was smoky, loud, crowded and had creepy old guys that kept trying to hit on women the same age as their daughters.

What's that they say about the devil you know vs. the devil you don't?

At any rate, I wasn't in the mood for it, but we decided to go to Perkins afterward. We call it the Perkins Drunk Tank because after about midnight, all the drunk people go there for food. Tonight there must have been a high school dance or something, because we went from drunk, old, creepy guys to drunk, dressed up, high school kids. There were several loud, off-key, not-all-singing-together renditions of "Happy Birthday" that most of the restaurant would get into, which was almost as interesting as the one night we went to a karaoke bar and the night closed with everyone in the place going on to the stage and drunkenly singing "Amazing Grace."

One of the kids was totally greased up and trying to act very suave. We actually thought he might be a vampire (Buffy fans, you know the look I'm talking about), but I could see his reflection in my knife. The knife was pretty dirty, though, so I could have been wrong.

Too bad. Staking a vampire would have made the night a lot more interesting.

Hell, come to think of it, staking a high school kid would have, too....

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