Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The morning after

The day you finally get back to the gym when you haven't been for a while feels great.
The morning after ... not so much.

In an important lesson for fellow copy editors, the Daily Iowan made quite a front-page headline mistake last week, for which they wrote a mea culpa Monday morning:

While I'm a little unsure as to why it took them a few days to issue this formal apology, I suspect this is another example of why you should never write anything on a page that you wouldn't want to see in print. I also suspect the Iowan may have a copy editor opening if anyone is interested.
Incidentally, this comes on the heels of the The University of Kansas' college daily stealing the Lawrence World-Journal's voters guide and printing it as their own. As if no one would notice...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian! It's Betsy! Robin just gave me the link to your blog...how exciting. I find it even more exciting that you noticed the Daily Iowan mistake. Do you read that paper??? I don't even read it and I go here. I was sitting in criminal law class when Eric handed me the newspaper (it was before class, actually. Our classes aren't THAT lax) and asked if I noticed anything odd about the front page. Talk about unprofessional. I think dear, sweet, (delusioned??) republican Eric wrote a letter to the paper about it, as did tons of other people. Anywho, I'm excited about your blog and will be checking in from time to time!
