Tuesday, November 09, 2004

It's here!

"Halo 2" came out today (Nov. 9) and I had pre-ordered my copy a couple of months ago. The Game Stop at the mall was opening from midnight to 2 a.m. so people get their copy early, so I went. There were at least 100 people gathered outside the store at the mall entrance when I arrived shortly after midnight. For a fleeting second, I considered waiting until another time to get the game, but I'm a hardcore gamer and Master Chief wouldn't let something like that deter him, so neither did I. It only took about 25 minutes to get through the line. Thank goodness I paid in full earlier.

On a separate note, a few recommendations:
"Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. It's a great read and hard to put down. Many thanks to Amber and Melanie for suggesting it to me; and especially to Mel for forcing me to take her copy when I left Chicago.
"The Incredibles" -- A very entertaining and fun movie. I highly recommend it.
Roman Polanski's "The Fearless Vampire Killers (Or Pardon Me, But Your Teeth are in my Neck)." Having trouble getting to sleep? If so, I highly recommend it.

Incidentally, I tried the green onion today. After a few bites, I realized that, even if it doesn't look like a normal onion, it still tastes like one. Yech. It took two hours for the taste to go away. Onions are truly the scourge of the vegetable world. On my trip to Cub today, I got a yuca root. It looks bizarre, but the informative little sign said I could treat it much like a potato, which I think bodes well.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to defend Earth from an invading alien species known as The Covenant.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I picked up my copy of Halo 2 last night, too. I was one of the first ten people in the store (through sheer luck), and it took me 25 minutes to complete the whole process. Your Gamestop's employees must be less dumb than those at mine.

Anonymous said...

That was me. I am Reuben.

Abba said...

So which story did you like better. The one with the animals, or the one without?