Monday, November 01, 2004

Get out the vote

Even though the bitterness of this election is enough to make anyone throw their hands up and walk away in exasperation, I still encourage everyone out there to take the time tomorrow to vote. I'm not going to say it's the most important election of our lives, like many have, because I think that's rather presumptuous, but voting is always important. Ignore the polls (which are largely worthless) and the attack ads (which are even more worthless) and vote on the candidates' actual stances on the issues -- and not just one issue. Even though you'd hardly know it from the campaigns and the media coverage of them, this election isn't just about Iraq or the war on terrorism. The next president will also have to deal with the environment, education, the economy, health care, Social Security and many other foreign and domestic issues -- all of which are also important.
So good luck, watch out for the lawyers swarming the polling places and let's all hope this election ends soon.

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