Sunday, July 02, 2006

100 things about me: 41-50

41) If I find a cockroach in my apartment (hey, it happens sometimes when you live on the ground floor in warmer climates), I catch it in a small shoebox and throw it out behind my apartment building. I don't do this out of kindness or a desire to not kill cockroaches. I do it because, if I smash them, they make a freakin' awful mess.

42) I really like animal crackers. A lot.

43) Also, chocolate-covered raisins.

44) And chocolate-covered cherries, although you can't eat quite as many of those without making yourself sick.

45) I like the theory of vegetarianism, but could never do it myself. Mostly because I don't like most vegetables and would, thus, starve to death.

46) I'm a pretty fastidious recycler.

47) Although I will often go out of my way to do things that are environmentally sound, if given the choice between an air dryer and paper towels in a restroom, I will almost always choose paper towels. I don't really know why.

48) It's become a reflex for me to say "bless you" when someone sneezes.

49) Having the right showerhead is really important. Too much or too little water pressure and it can really throw your whole shower experience off, and that's just a bad way to start the day.

50) My recent escapades are not the first time I have ripped open my shirt acting like Superman. When I was in high school, I went to the national Student Congress and was giving a speech on adoption. It started -- in a very serious tone -- with something along the lines of: "This bill is very important to me because, you see, I was adopted. Luckily, I was raised by an incredibly loving couple who found me ... after my home planet of Krypton exploded." Then I ripped open my shirt and pronounced myself Super Senator, or some such thing. From that point on, everyone knew me, which was, as G.I. Joe says, half the battle. Still didn't get into the final round, though.


Anonymous said...

I bet you have cockroaches because you're so drrty.

Jessica said...

I'm totally with you on the showerhead thing. Can make or break a day.

mightybob said...

Have you tried the limited edition 'cherry cordial creme'-filled Hershey's kisses yet? No real cherries, but they're pretty tasty.

I gave a presentation on international adoptions and Romania a little while ago. I wish I had thought to do something brilliant like your Superman stunt. That's hilarious.