Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A 16,000 word posting

Originally uploaded by commonbriguy.
It only took me about four months, but I finally got around to getting a Flickr account and posting some pictures from my December trip with my friend Shutterbug to Moab, Utah. So enjoy.

And speaking of photos, if you haven't seen the Christian Science Monitor's slideshow of photos from Jill Carroll's homecoming, it's quite moving.


hlw said...

Great pictures!! Went to Moab in June last year and am possibly going again this May or September...we shall see! I have a friend whose parents have a house there - it's a great deal!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, Briguy. They make me want to move to the desert. Mmm. Desert.

Do I know Shutterbug? She might look like someone I may have known in college. Possibly.

Jessica said...

There's something about Utah - I've never been to a place so *red*. In the Midwest it's all brown and green and earthtones, but Utah was the first place I saw Mother Nature put on her red. And there's just something so funky about these urformations that makes visions of ancient societies dance in my head. Thanks for the photos.

P.S. I found two chocolate chip cookies in my freezer yesterday!! The gift that keeps on giving. They keep wonderfully.