Monday, April 11, 2005

Very random thoughts

Sorry that it's been a week since I've posted anything, but here are some very unconnected thoughts:

1) I've discovered that the Italian word for someone with papal potential is "papabili."
What a cool word. I totally plan on using it more often now.

2) Speaking for things I'm adding to my lexicon, I've been trying to add two Southern expressions I've learned since moving here: "Law bless" and so-and-so "would've liked to have died." The former means "oh my goodness" and the latter means someone couldn't believe it.
At least I think. It's all a little confusing.

3) If you want to see something that will totally blow your mind, check out this Honda commercial. It's been around for a while, but I'm just now getting around to mentioning it. It took 606 tries to get it right. And it's awesome.

4) I was in D.C. for half a day last week (I apologize to the many of you in the area I didn't tell or see, but I promise that I will be up there often and will see you soon.) and saw this just outside the Jefferson Memorial:

I thought it was an interesting juxtaposition with this, just in front of the steps leading up to the memorial ...

Yes, those are large, puppet dogs playing rock 'n' roll.

But I'm sure when they were singing "Who Let the Dogs Out," the dawgs they were referring to were the Founding Fathers.


Jessica said...

Do you know how many times I have wanted to tell people that they have papal potential? Papabili is a very cool word, not to be confused with paparazzi (or peperoni, for that matter). Ciao bello.

BriGuy said...

It is definitely "law bless." At least how one person says (and writes) it. And if most Virginians knew that you were saying they were the same as West Virginians (no offense to Jennifer Garner's home state) ... well, I bet they would like to have died.

You would understand the difference if you were papabili.

(OK, now I might be going overboard.)
And don't worry, Clare, I've got "y'all" covered (and even the plural -- "all y'all") But I'll work on "fixin." I don't ever use that...