Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Going phishing

Sorry I've been bad about posting on the blog lately. I'm in the middle of getting myself organized (sort of a spring cleaning, I guess). I'm finally unpacked and have pictures hung and that sort of thing and now I'm working on cleaning up and organizing files, papers, e-mail boxes, etc. So bear with me for a bit, but I promise to get back into the groove soon.

In the meantime, follow this link to an interesting Washington Post piece on phishing scams. Phishing, if you don't know, is when someone sends you a fake e-mail to get you to reveal personal information that they can then take advantage of (credit card numbers, bank accounts, social security number, etc.). Identity theft is becoming a lot more common, so I'm sure you've gotten some. But take the quiz and see if you can tell the real e-mails from the fake ones. The answers will also give you a better idea of what to look for when you get an e-mail like that.
Best rule of thumb: Always be skeptical.

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