Monday, September 04, 2006

The good, the bad and the disturbing

First, a word about this week's clip: Finally, a compilation that shows what I've long believed -- John Cusack is contractually obligated to be in the rain in pretty much every film he makes.

Now then ...

The Good
I made Jello for no particular reason tonight. Mmm, mmm ... gelatinous goodness.

The Bad
After hearing so much about Fergie's new song "London Bridge," I listened to the clip on iTunes. Why is this song so popular? I honestly couldn't get through 30 seconds of it. I lasted about halfway and then had to turn it off because it was making my ears bleed.

The Disturbing
So John Mayer is dating Jessica Simpson now?!? Ick. And when did John Mayer start looking creepy? It's like he's about to audition for a role in a remake of "The Crow." Not good.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you are going to be unable to explain the meaning of "London Bridge"? I'm thinking I'm missing some of the layers of meaning.


BriGuy said...

It IS a very subtle song ...

nanners said...

i had to buy this week's People to read about it. I didn't believe it when i saw it on the cover of Us, but People is slightly more legitimate. he must have decided brains are overrated.

Anonymous said...

...had to go check out what John Mayer looks like - you are right - ugh.

But Fergie still looks good - perhaps the meaning of "London Bridge" is located in the visuals!


BriGuy said...

When did Zach Braff and Mandy Moore break up?!? I totally missed that somehow. And I think the J. Simpson and J. Love relationships show what ... um, assets John Mayer appreciates most.

Anonymous said...

Dude... Mandy Moore totally broke up with Zach Braff a while ago when she found out he was a skeez who was sleeping with pretty much anyone who would have him (he's rumored to have slept with a lot of actresses and other pseudo-famous women). Aren't you in the news business? What sort of news does your paper cover that is possibly more important than this sort of stuff?

Anonymous said...

It's so bad it's good. trust me, i was a hater. but after hearing it once an hour while listening to the radio one afternoon, i was swayed to its genius.

hlw said...

I'm going to the John Mayer/Sheryl Crow concert at Red Rocks this up coming Monday.