Monday, September 18, 2006

Rated Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

This week's clip is to get you in the mood for Talk Like a Pirate Day, which is Tuesday.

I would also like to apologize to anyone using Internet Explorer. I didn't realize until last week that adding the YouTube clips totally screwed up how the blog shows up in IE. (I use Mozilla Firefox, which I highly recommend. Tab browsing is the greatest.) Anyhow, it should pretty much be fixed now. And I promise to blog about my trip to California soon. I've been busy showing a job candidate around and still have to organize my pictures.

Oh, and word to the wise: Don't eat the spinach. Seriously.
Further proof that vegetables are bad for you.


Anonymous said...

It's kind of comforting that my diet of pizza and snickerdoodle cookies is still healthier (and much safer) than those yucky, yucky vegetables.

BriGuy said...

Your kids are so lucky. ;-)