Thursday, September 21, 2006

CA trip: Night of the Getting Wed*

I've never seen myself as a West Coast person, particularly not a California person. But I have to admit, if I were going to live in California, it would be in San Diego. That place is ridiculously nice. The five-day forecast for the entire time I was there was sunny and nice, temperatures in the 70s. And it was. It seems unfair somehow; like maybe the city is stealing all the nice, warm weather, which is why Duluth has to suffer through eight months of blood-freezing winter.

Of course, it could also have to do with latitude, but whatever.

In continuing with my theme of doing something water-related before weddings, my brother and I went kayaking the morning of the wedding. We paddled around Mission Bay and out into the ocean for a bit. We spent about two hours kayaking. After about an hour and a half, I declared that next time we were going to rent something that had a motor. My brother pointed out that my kayak had a motor -- me.

Next time, I need to rent something with a better motor.

The wedding was at a beautiful spot north of San Diego on a bluff overlooking the ocean. It was gorgeous and a very nice ceremony. I spent some time before the reception walking along the shore and watching people surf and enjoy life as the sun set. (For more photos, click on either of these pics and click on the "CA Set" link on Flickr.)

The reception was also fun, although I was definitely more of a wallflower at this one than I have been at past weddings. I tend to either keep to myself or be the crazy dancing guy; there's very little in between. Usually it depends on how many people I know at the wedding. At this one, it was pretty much no one but the bride and groom, and there weren't really any single women around, so I pretty much stayed off the dance floor. Sometimes, though, that's really for the best.

*This title is in no way intended to imply that anyone attending the wedding was a zombie or zombielike in any way. No brains were eaten in the making of this matrimony.

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