Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Lost cause

I had every intention of going out tonight and being sociable. A group of local young journalists was gathering at a bar at about 8 p.m. and so I was going to go and hang out with the few people I knew and hopefully make some new friends. Unfortunately, I was thinking it started an hour later than it did, and so I didn't start eating dinner until 8. By the time I realized my mistake it was 9 and the season premiere of "Lost" was on.

Decisions, decisions ...

I could go out and be friendly, meet some new people.

Or I could stay home, where I already was, and see what was at the bottom of that hatch.

Needless to say, the television won.

I feel kind of bad about it -- I mean, I'd already set my VCR to tape the show, but I really wanted to know what was going to happen! And of course, then I watched "Invasion" (which I'm not overly impressed with yet, but I'll give it a few episodes) and the "Daily Show." And by that time, well, it was really too late to be going out.

One day, when I'm a fat couch potato in my 40s and my only friends are the prepubescent boys that I'm playing Halo 16 with online, I think we'll be able to look back and trace the slow, downward spiral to this decision.

At least it was a good episode.


Anonymous said...

So what happened on Lost? I thought it started next week.

Anonymous said...

This is what I fear...

Anonymous said...

I shall provide a "w00t" in the name of Halo 16. Social lives are overrated.