Monday, September 05, 2005

The Bachelor Bakes, Part II: Back in the Kitchen

"This time, it's personal."

You may recall my failed attempt at the chocolate and cherry cookies a couple of weeks ago. Well, this afternoon I decided to give it another go. I used chocolate chips instead of way too much of the wrong kind of chocolate. And I was careful to make what I thought were 1-inch balls of dough for the cookies. But apparently my default setting for cookies really is ginormous, and I still ended up with half as many balls of dough as I was supposed to have. So I begrudgingly cut them in half and made smaller cookies.

See, sometimes I can exhibit self-control and learn from my mistakes.

This time, the cookies turned out excellent, if I do say so myself.

As a bonus, I had some left over cherries and left over frosting, so I created my own chocolate-covered cherries. Mmmmm....

Score one for perseverance in the kitchen!


Anonymous said...

not to be picky, but that giant blob of chocolate in the photo is not perfectly proportionate to the rest of the cookie. It blobs outside of bounds. I think you should try again. ;-)

Jessica said...

You watch, BriGuy, this'll turn into a cooking blog yet! :-)