Monday, February 12, 2007

Cool clips: A very Buffy "Office"

I could have gone with a clip commemorating Valentine's Day this week ... but nah. Joss Whedon directed Thursday's episode of "The Office," so you should totally check that out. Plus it's just an awesomely hilarious show.

Work stuff is beginning to get a little less crazy, but now I've got to get packing before I move at the end of the month. I spent this past weekend purging a lot (not in the anorexic way, in the spring cleaning way). Old magazines, papers that had piled up -- all gone. Or close to being gone. And I've got about half of my Christmas cards sent out. So woohoo!

As part of my cleaning, you'll find a few new blogs linked to the right, along with another cool site -- Bug Designs, which is run by a friend who creates personalized cards and other stationery, so check it out.

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